House of Brigid 2009-10

House of Brigid 2009-10

29 August 2009

Hello again from Wexford!

-Wexford Opera House-

The community has had nearly two weeks now of getting our feet on the ground and preparing for a year’s work in Ireland. We’ve been to a concert in the Wexford Opera House, and had some really great days just walking around, getting to know the town. Finally, knowing our way around plus what are the best grocery stores, cafes, and bookshops definitely helps to have gain some ownership of this place. The parish has been overwhelmingly welcoming and gracious, and we’re about ready to start giving back.

This past week, we spent three days in Ferns at St. Aiden’s monastery on a retreat planned for us by Fr. Martin. It’s a truly peaceful and beautiful place. We each had our own hermitage and space to meet as a group in the convent. It was great to have a little time away to reflect and prepare for the coming year. The retreat was also good for getting a better picture of what we’ll be trying to accomplish this year.

Our first tasks and events are coming up already. Tonight we’ll be attending the Youth Festival at Our Lady’s Island (a place the Folk Choir visited on our tour here in the Spring of ’08). This coming week the Folk Group begins rehearsals, and there is a liturgy for the youth of the parish who will be transitioning into Secondary school. We’ll keep you posted as we hit the ground running here!

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